Mercedes-Benz M276 ECU Removal

Mercedes-Benz M276 ECU Removal

Please SCAN your vehicle before removing the ECU. This can be done at your local parts store or local mechanic. They will plug into the vehicle’s OBD2 port and SCAN for any existing CODES. After scanning for codes, please UNPLUG the negative side of the battery to avoid any lights or issues when unplugging or re-installing the ECU. In some cases, the ECU MAY need to be shipped in to be reset. Also, please be sure to leave the doors unlocked and the hood popped to ensure you have access to reinstall the ECU. Failure to follow this may cause issues to your vehicle in which AMR Performance is not responsible.




The ECU can be seen in the center of the engine bay under the front engine cover. First we will need to remove the engine cover.





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